Friday, 1 October 2010

How to check if a vehicle is insured? (United Kingdom)

Use following website: - the Motor Insurance Database (MID) is the only central record of all insured vehicles in the UK and is updated over 10,000 times an hour.

If your vehicle does not appear on the MID then it can be stopped and seized by the police. You can check if your vehicle is on the database of insured vehicles for FREE*. 

If you have been involved in an accident and need to check the other vehicle is insured, then you can search askMID for a small charge. You will need to have the accident date to hand. Once you have registered some details, you can search to confirm the insurance of the vehicle for your claim to be made with that insurer.

Please note, from personal experience, it does not appear to be that the database shows vehicles which have short term insurance policies (e.g. 24 hour insurance policy), particularly when these are used within 24 hours of their purchase.
* Free check was available on the time of publication, but there is currently a small charge for any car insurance check.