Tuesday, 17 December 2013

How to get Visa card without credit check? (United Kingdom)

Information on Visa card is now obsolete, but following offer for Mastercard is still valid.
Mastercard debit card without credit check

Cashplus was founded in 2005, as the original UK challenger to high street banks, when they launched the UK's first general purpose prepaid card. Within 2 years Cashplus was a principal member of Mastercard, and the business has gone from strength to strength ever since.

Whether you are looking for Personal or Business Banking services, Cashplus offer real time services to help them manage your money 24/7 through their mobile app. They give 100% guaranteed approval once verified, there are no credit checks, applications can be completed in less than 5 minutes, and the customer gets instant access to a sort code and account number.
Their customers also have access to the largest 'over the counter' banking network in the UK, through the Post Office, and can rest easy in the knowledge that Cashplus is fully authorised and regulated by the FCA with their funds safeguarded and kept in a regulated bank account.

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