Wallpaper Manager (click here to go to download page) is a free wallpaper cycling and management tool specially designed for multiscreen systems.
- Applies multiscreen wallpapers over all monitors
- Applies multiple singlescreen wallpapers (one for each monitor) and offers three different cycle modes
- Allows automatic cycling of wallpapers in an given interval
- Adds new wallpapers automatically by watching one or more folders for changes
- Allows to define a priority for each wallpaper for a better cycle control
- Offers five different placement modes to make each wallpaper fit well on the screen
- Provides several additional display settings like margins or simple effects like mirroring or flipping
- Cycles wallpapers only on specified day times if configured (like cycling one wallpaper only in the morning, one in the evening etc.)
- Can draw text overlays over applied wallpapers to show useful information (like the name of the current wallpaper, the computer name, the system's up time etc.)
- Offers special Windows 7 features like displaying the time until the next cycle in the application's overlay icon in the Task Bar
- Modern easy-to-use user interface

Wallpaper Manager software product is 100% legal, clean and safe to use. No spyware or malware installed.